해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Infinity Cherokee Jogger Scrub Pants for Women Mid Rise Cargo Pocket with 4-Way Stretch Moisture Wicking Technology -CK110A

상품번호 B07K4PZPMD
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상품가격 $39.99
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On-Trend | Comfort Focused with Ample Pocket Storage and Lots of Details Womens scrub pants are more fashionable than ever! This mid rise, tapered leg jogger scrubs for women is a great way to bring on-trend styling to your work wardrobe. You’ll love these womens joggers so much that you’ll quickly find yourself wearing them off duty as well. Zippered front pockets, a cargo pocket and two back pockets offer plenty of storage options. Reflective tape at top of cargo pocket adds athletic-inspired design detail. The elastic waistband covered in stretchy rib-knit keeps you comfortable. Even though the knit is soft, the elastic waistband is secure enough to stay in place during a long work shift. Rib-knit leg bands complete the jogger styling and keep their shape wash after wash. Contemporary fit. Moisture wicking finish moves moisture away from the body to keep you comfortable through a long work shift. Wrinkle resistant. Body: 95% polyester / 5% spandex poplin Rib-knit trim: 96% polyester / 4% spandex Regular inseam = 28 ½” Petite inseam = 26” Tall inseam = 31 ½” Antimicrobial Fabric Technology On Our Scrubs Infinity Uniforms feature fabric that works as long and as hard as you do. Certainty Antimicrobial Fabric Technology* reduces odor and degrade fabric for 50+ washings. Helps scrubs smell fresh, even after a long shift Reduce lingering odor build-up Inhibit fabric damage, extending the life of the garment * Wash all garments thoroughly after each use. Garments featuring antimicrobial technology do not protect users or others against viruses, or other disease organisms. Always follow all best practices for infection prevention.

2024-09-06 04:00:46

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