해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Cosy House Collection Luxury Down Alternative Comforter - Blend of Rayon Derived from Bamboo - Bedroom Essentials - All Season Use - Box Stitch Construction & Duvet Loops (Full/Queen, Purple)

상품번호 B07KLDYH6S
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상품가격 $89.95
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ULTRA SOFT & COMFORTABLE – This Luxury Down Alternative Comforter has a fluffy polyester microfiber fill that resembles the cuddly-softness of traditional feather down, and is made from a smoother-than-silk Rayon Derived from Bamboo Soft, supple, and plush, our comforter is lightweight yet thick enough to keep you warm and cozy. It\'s time for buttery-smooth, super-comfy bedding to cuddle up with! Our silky soft Cream Full/Queen sized comforter measures at: 88" x 88"BREATHABLE & COOLING - You\'ll never sleep hot again! Say goodbye to night sweats. Our fabric’s breathable and moisture-wicking properties help regulate excess body heat. Carefully crafted for all-night-long skin-caressing comfort, our luxurious temperature-regulating blend stays cool during the summer and is perfect for all-season use. Try pairing this luxe comforter with our Luxury Duvet Cover for extra warmth during cold winter nights!MADE TO LAST- Snuggle up with a comforter made to last for years to come. Our signature baffle-box stitching pattern isn\'t only elegant, but it also keeps the fill secure, preventing it from shifting or clumping over time. Indulge in a restful sleeping experience all night long. Kind to your skin, super strong and very durable, AND with more than five colors to choose from, your slumber will be a blissful 5-star resort experience. No matter what kind of sleeper you are, we\'ve got you covered!BETTER SLEEP & SKIN - The natural properties of our fabric make this bedding safe for sensitive skin, keeping you and your bed feeling fresh each and every day.EASY CARE - Our comforter is machine washable (on gentle cycle with cold water) and dryer safe (tumble dry on low heat). No need for ironing or bleaching! This comforter is made to last. Our Luxury Comforter provides shrink, odor, fade, and stain resistance, and will fight against wear and tear wash after wash. PLUS, it repels common non-living household allergens! Compared to traditional cotton bedding, our comforter stays fresher for longer and is oh-so-easy to care for.

2024-07-10 18:37:53

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