해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
RealTruck Roll-N-Lock Cargo Manager Truck Bed Organizer | CM401 | Fits 2019 - 2024 Dodge Ram 1500/2500/3500, Does Not Fit w/ Multi-Function (Split) Tailgate 5' 7" Bed (67.4")

상품번호 B07KNDK1D3
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상품가격 $329.00
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Fits 2019 - 2024 Dodge Ram 1500/2500/3500, Does Not Fit w/ Multi-Function (Split) Tailgate 5\' 7" Bed (67.4")Made in the USA with Global MaterialsONLY WORKS WITH ROLL-N-LOCK TONNEAUS | The Cargo Manager attaches to the rails of Roll-N-Lock truck bed covers and is not intended to be used as a stand-alone item or with other truck bed cover brandsKEEP CARGO SECURED | This truck bed divider is a perfect solution for truck owners looking to prevent their cargo from shifting in the bed when tackling the road or tough terrainCARGO VERSATILITY | The Cargo Manager is operated from the driver side of the truck. Once unlocked, it easily glides along the bed and settles into multiple positions along the rail to accommodate any cargo
Cargo Manager®, an optional companion product for Roll-N-Lock® retractable truck bed covers, is a movable truck bed divider that can be positioned every 3′′ along the length of the bed to manage and contain lightweight cargo. Controlled from the driver side, the Cargo Manager is repositioned by simply squeezing the control levers. Its spring-activated mechanism then automatically pins the divider to each sidetrack in the next nearest slot. No matter what shape or size cargo you are hauling, keep it snug and in place with this unique divider. Weighing only 11 pounds, this truck bed divider can easily and quickly be removed for loading larger items, like appliances, which cannot slide underneath. It’s convenient, easy, and versatile. Best of all, when combined with any Roll-N-Lock retractable truck bed cover, truck owners have the ability to cover and secure the contents of the truck bed, while also preventing objects from shifting in the bed when stopping or turning abruptly. The Cargo Manager features the superior build-quality characteristic of all Roll-N-Lock products, but its one-of-a-kind functionality truly sets it apart from other truck bed cargo management dividers. The Cargo Manager is backed by Roll-N-Lock for three years.

2024-05-16 10:15:18

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