해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Elegant Comfort Luxurious 1500 Premium Hotel Quality Microfiber Three Line Embroidered Softest 4-Piece Bed Sheet Set, Wrinkle and Fade Resistant, Full, Hot Pink

상품번호 B07KP9XMC3
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상품가격 16.79
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MicrofiberElegant Comfort Full-Size Dimensions - Flat sheet 81" x 96", Fitted sheet 54" x 75", 2 standard pillowcases 20" x 30" - Our sheets are soft, light weight, warm, and breathable. The material is stronger and more durable than cotton, with the strongest stitching to prevent tears. Deep-pocket, fully elasticized fitted sheet for mattresses up to 16 Inch thick. They are wrinkle- and fade-resistant, cold-water washable and quick-drying.WELCOME TO ELEGANT COMFORT: Extra Durable weave creates an everlasting softness. Discover the ultimate in high-end bedding with our silky-smooth bedding. Breathable, and cool to the touch, our luxuriously soft bedding set will create a heavenly sleeping experience! The microfiber material is processed to make it resistant to shrinkage and fading which adds to the longevity of the set by keeping it in great condition.LUXURY MEETS PERFORMANCE: Elegant Comfort provides superior performance and luxurious feel begin with yarns that are even finer, longer, and stronger than silk. These microfiber yarns are finished with a meticulous brushing and conditioning process before being woven into premium fabrics, then undergo an additional brushing to attain the lustrous, ultra soft finish sought by connoisseurs of fine linensVIBRANT, FADE-RESISTANT COLORS: Elegant Comfort microfiber is made to look as good as it feels. It\'s exceptionally color-fast, and even after years of regular use will look as vibrant as the first night you enjoyed it. Its ultrafine yarns and weave that are fade resistant, making a short cold-water wash and a quick tumble dry on low heat all you need to keep these linens fresh and clean. They won\'t be weaken or tear even after years of use.EASY, ENEGRY-EFFICIENT CARE: They are as soft as 1500 thread count Egyptian cotton and durable than the highest thread count cotton. Its ultrafine yarns and weave that are fade resistant, making a short cold-water wash and a quick tumble dry on low heat all you need to keep these linens fresh and clean. They won\'t be weaken or tear even after years of use, maintaining a smooth, wrinkle-resistant that only improves with time.
Experience luxury like you\'ve never felt before. Sheets that feel almost hedonistic, this sumptuous set is going to bring your dreams to a whole new level. Slip between the covers and let yourself wallow in the decadence that this bedding offers. Add in delightfully soft, ultra-plush pillowcase, and you\'ll truly feel pampered. These bed sheets are crafted from incredible, wrinkle-free microfiber and features an elegant Three-Line embroidery on pillowcases. It\'s available in a variety of beautiful colors, and no matter which one you choose, when morning comes and the alarm clock goes off, you just might be tempted to crawl farther beneath these covers and try to pick up where your dreams left off. Care Instructions: Machine wash Cold, Gentle Cycle. Do not bleach. Tumble dry low

2024-07-11 22:04:54

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