해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
ATERCEL Workout Gloves for Men and Women, Exercise Gloves for Weight Lifting, Cycling, Gym, Training, Breathable and Snug fit

상품번호 B07KQR9VXG
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상품가격 $13.95
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Innovative Palm Design Maximizes Your Grip: We researched how hundreds of people use workout gloves to enhance our ergonomic design, leverage the muscle direction and placement and optimize grip functionality all to bring you a better glove. The result protects your hands from calluses, reduces friction discomfort all while still maintaining a strong grip on what you are holding onto.Unrivaled Comfort: Atercel workout gloves is made of lightweight, breathable and stretchy material, to increases flexibility, comfort and fit. Ideal for general workout, weight lifting, exercise, gym training and cycling.Size for Success: This exercise gloves is snug-fit design. We offer 5 different sizes for you to maximize effectiveness (XSmall: 6.3 to 6.9 inches; Small: 6.9 to 7.5 inches; Medium: 7.5 to 8.1 inches; Large: 8.1 to 8.9 inches; XLarge: 8.9 to 9.6 inches), great choice for both men and women. Slip your hands into the gloves and adjust the wraps for a personalized fit.Humanized Design: Atercel workout gloves are designed with a pull loop system for easy removal. A towelling panel on the back of the glove for wiping away sweat, and the soft mesh fabric inside fit the front of hand to keep your palm cool and dry all workout long.Your Satisfaction is Our Top Priority: We believe you\'ll love our workout gloves. If you have any problem with your purchase, we\'ll be happy to solve it for you. So purchase now to bring your game to the next level.

2025-01-09 11:44:31

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