해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
People Figures for Kids - Preschool Toys Building Blocks People Set for Kids - Compatible with Major Brands Building Blocks for Toddlers 1-6 - STEM Building Toys - (16 Toy Figures People)

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상품구분 Toys & Games / Toy Figures & Playsets
브랜드 Brand: Kids Toys
판매자 미확인
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $24.99
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✓BUILDING BLOCKS FIGURES. PEOPLE FOR KIDS BUILDING TOY FUN SET: Inspire your child\'s creativity with this set of 16 People-compatible toy figures. These figures are perfect for preschoolers aged 1-8 Years, encouraging endless building adventures and imaginative Pretent and play Building Blocks Figures.✓ COMPATIBLE WITH ALL MAJOR BUILDING BLOCKS BRANDS UNIVERSAL COMPATIBILITY FIGURES: Designed to work seamlessly with major building block brands, these figures expand your child\'s construction possibilities. Mix and match with existing blocks to enhance their playtime experience.✓ EARLY STEM EXPLORATION FIGURES: Introduce your child to STEM concepts from an early age. These figures promote fine motor skills, problem-solving, and creative thinking in a fun and interactive way, setting the stage for future learning. This creative toy Figures are for boys and girls boosts your child\'s creativity and guarantee fun-filled time.✓ SAFETY AND DURABILITY : Crafted with safety in mind, these figures meet the highest quality standards. Their durable construction ensures they can withstand the rigors of playtime, providing lasting value Made with safe and non-toxic materials with round edges perfect for schools and Pre-School Kids.✓ BEST GIFT FOR KIDS VERSATILE PLAYTIME: Whether it\'s building a bustling city, creating unique worlds, or engaging in imaginative role-playing, these figures offer endless entertainment. Foster social development and cooperation as your child explores their creative side.
Compatible with all Blocks, Our 16 piece toddler friendly community building set is perfectly sized and has a colorful design. Spark your toddler’s imagination with this build your own construction set of community People. Your young toddler can spend hours engaged with our toy building set that introduces your preschooler to different people and their occupations

2024-02-13 22:19:04

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