해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
TOZO OpenEgo True Wireless Open Ear Headphone,5.3 Bluetooth Sport Earbuds with Earhooks for Long Time Playback with Digital Display, Dual Mic Clear Call Sweat-Proof for Running Workout

상품번호 B07KY8CN9D
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상품가격 $39.99
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Continuously Sound Quality- TOZO OpenEgo 16.2MM-DIAMETER DRIVERS provide high-fidelity audio with about 30% larger motor coil than conventional type, delivering translucent highs and immersive lows. TOZO OrigX Acoustics goes even deeper into the details of the sound, bringing a more breathtaking listening experience.Open Hearing& Focused Calling - IN-EAR FREE design, comfortable to Wear. Whether walking or running, cycling or Driving, you can always sense the sound of outside, to be awareness, connecting. When calling, the Open ear earbuds effect of DUAL-MICROPHONE NOISE CANCELLING, can filter out the external noise, so that you and your friends clear calls as face to face chat.Ear Fit for Long Last Comfort- Including pair of ear support for improving fit in package, ensuring they stay in place even during active workouts. Furthermore, OpenEgo sport headphone takes to IPX5 sweat-resistant, making it perfect for intense workouts and outdoor activities.TOZO APP Integration: Switch freely between 16 EQ MODES with our exclusive TOZO APP. Customize sound settings, adjust equalizer preferences, and explore a wide range of features to personalize your audio journey. Elevate your listening experience to new heights.Watchable Long Battery Life- 600Mh charging case provides up to 30H of total battery life, TOZO true wireless headphones can accompany you throughout your day much better. The DIGITAL POWER DISPLAY conveniently displays the remaining battery life of the charging case and each of headphone, so you always know when it\'s time to recharge.

2024-05-15 21:50:19

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