해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
EVDAY 3D Marvel Transformers Bumblebee Bedding for Boys Kids Bedding Including 1Duvet Cover,1Flat Sheet,2Pillowcases Queen Full Twin Size

상품번호 B07LDQZMP7
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상품구분 Home & Kitchen / Bedding
브랜드 Brand: EVDAY
판매자 Amazon
판매자위치 미확인

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Make sure this fits by entering your model number.✔ HIGH QUALITY FABRIC. Our marvel heroes kids bedding set is made of 100% natural cotton which touches very soft and comfortable. It has no any harmful substance to skin and give your baby nice sleeping. Best gift for your baby kids.✔ SIZE AND PACKAGE. 4-piece twin size marvel boys bedding set comes with 1Duvet Cover 68 by 85 inches. 2 Pillow Cases 20 by 30 inches. NO COMFORTER INCLUDED.✔ NO COMFORTER INCLUDES. 4pc marvel boys bedding set includes 1 Duvet Cover,1Flat Sheet,2 Pillowcases. No comforter insides. Our photos on the website are included the comforter to show the looking when you put your insert into the duvet cover.✔ CLASSIC HEROES CHARCTERS. Marvel bedding is printed with American popular film-Marvel Avengers. Including many classic heroes characters Iron-Man, Spider-Man, Captain American and Bumblebee. They are popular with kids and gifts for your babies.✔ RETURN POLICY GUARANTEE. If you are not satisfied with EVDAY marvel kids bedding, just return it within 30 days for a full refund. We provide 24-hour customer service support, 30-day full refund back guarantee, 2-year quality warranty.
Package Included 1xDuvet Cover(NO COMFORTER INSIDES) 1xFlat Sheet 2xPillowshams Zipper Design It is convenient to put comforter into the marvel kids duvet cover and more warm Fabric Processing EVDAY marvel kids bedding set is reactive dying which is no wrinkling and no shrinkage Care Ways EVDAY marvel kids bedding set is easy care. Not only can be washed by hands but also by machine. No fading, no pilling Best Gifts For Kids Classic marvel heroes characters are very popular with kids and love it very much All For Home All For Home - All For You, All For Home, All For Love, All For Life

2020-03-14 09:54:19

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