해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
12 Pack Silicone Stretch Lids - Stretchy and Oderless

상품번호 B07LF5ZXZG
상품상태 New    
상품구분 Home & Kitchen / Kitchen & Dining
브랜드 Brand: Beamoon
판매자 Amazon
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 9.98
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★ 【MULTI SIZE & CYCLE USE】 In order to meet the requirement of different customer, the silicone stretch lid include white and blue as well as various size ,which are compatible with for Bowl, Can, Jar, Glassware, Food Saver Covers Safe in Dishwasher, Microwave and Freezer. Totally 6 pieces per set: 2.6", 3.8", 4.5", 5.7", 6.5", and 8.3".★ 【FOOD GRADE SILICONE】 100% silicone environmental protection materials, Non-toxic,durable, soft texture,sustain the temperature form -30 up to 230℃, no worries for the silicone stretch lids be damaged. Even use in oven and refrigerators with super wear resistance.★ 【HANDY TAPS ARROUND THE LID】 When the silicone lids hold on the cup or bowls tightly, the handy taps makes them easy to remove from container and keep food fresher in fridge without leak,whats more, the silicone lid also help you to open the case of bottle which is tightly hold on .Conform to any shaped bowl whether round, square, rectangular, hexagon, etc.★ 【KEEP FOOD FRESH】 Perfect fresh food cover for barbecue outdoors or travel with your friends, and the fresh food cover doesn\'t spill food and water in your car.Silicone stretch lid replaces plastic bag, reused after cleaning, save cost, safer, environmental protection, as we all know, great silicone cover brings you and your family health.★ 【WHY WE CHOSE SILICONE】 Silica by the key composition of super anti-aging, under normal conditions for up to 30 years of life, its definitely healthy for human body and life.

2024-02-13 11:06:40

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