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Rfiver Strong Rolling TV Stand with Shelf for 23-60 inch TVs up to 88lbs, Portable Mobile TV Cart with Silent Wheel, Tilt & Height Adjustable Universal Corner TV Stand for Bedroom, Living Room, Office

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HEIGHT & TILT ADJUSTMENT - EASILY ADJUST FOR OPTIMAL VIEWING ANGLE: Our mobile TV stand is designed to provide a versatile viewing experience; With 3 height settings, you can easily adjust the position of your TV; The swivel mount allows you to effortlessly adjust the TV up 5° or down 2°; This ensures that no matter where you are, our floor mount TV stand meets your unique preferences, letting you enjoy your favourite shows and moviesULTRA STRONG MOBILE TV STAND: High-strength alloy steel material greatly increases the overall stability and load-bearing capacity; Our portable floor TV stand with strong structure can securely hold up to 88 lbs, much better than others\' 55 lbs; The thick TV mount is very strong and will not fall down, and the safety screw is an additional protection for the load-bearing capacity of the mobile floor TV stand; Please trust Rfiver\'s TV Cart Rolling TV Stand, it will protect your TV from fallingMOVE SMOOTHLY WITH SILENT WHEELS: Say goodbye to static TV; Our mobile TV cart features four silent wheels that minimise the noise generated when moving; Whether you\'re working in your home office, cooking in the kitchen, practising yoga or simply relaxing in the living room, this TV cart effortlessly adapts to your lifestyle; When the rolling TV stand moves into position, lock the wheels and you don\'t have to worry about someone accidentally pushing itSPACE SAVING & CABLE MANAGEMENT: The leg design of the front long base and back short base increases the overall stability of this rolling TV stand and allows it to get closer to the wall; whether it\'s an apartment, dorm room or other, it won\'t take up much space. If there is a TV cabinet in your home, the mobile TV stand can be hidden behind it and blends well with furniture; In addition, the integrated cable management system collects the messy cables and allows you to have a clean environmentUNIVERSAL ROLLING TV STAND - EASY TO ASSEMBLE IN 20 MINUTES: Our rolling TV stand fits most 23 to 60 inch TVs, including brands such as Samsung, TCL, Sony, LG, Sharp, Insignia, Vizio, Toshiba, etc; With a max VESA (mounting hole pattern) of 400x400mm; The package includes an easy-to-follow manual that guides you through the installation process with simplicity and clarity; Within 20 minutes, your TV will be securely positioned on the stand, ready to deliver your favourite shows and movies

2024-11-30 15:44:40

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