해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Electric Wood Chisel Hanging Mill Grinding Woodworking Carver Pedal Control Engraving Machine Wood Chisel Carving Machine with Handle 5 Blades + Foot Control Pedal (110V) (110V)

상품번호 B07MSC3X37
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상품구분 Tools & Home Improvement / Power & Hand Tools
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상품가격 $76.98
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1.【Note】: Since there are many accessories for this product, if you find that there are missing accessories after receiving the product, please contact us immediately, we will ship the accessories for free, thank you for your understanding.2. 【Preventing heating of the handle】: Please take out a proper amount of excess lubricating oil from the handle to prevent the heat generated by the friction lubricating oil during high-speed rotation of the bearing.3.【Pedal design】: Up-pressure decelerates and down-pressure accelerates. Through the foot pedal control speed, easy to operate. Up-pressure decelerates and down-pressure accelerates. Through the foot pedal control speed, easy to operate. Hand foot combination greatly improves work efficiency, convenient to start or stop at any time.4.【Tips for carving】: Gently push the black block in front of the knife to make it shrink, which will make the handle and the flexible shaft connected, the machine will drive the flexible shaft and the chisel to easily work, so that you can experience the joy of DIY from the carving.5. 【Application】:Especially suitable for carving softwood, popular with professional carvers, amateurs, and students. Even touch of a finger tip to vibrate, it will not hurt your fingers cutting.
Introduction The new carving and polishing machine, chisel instead of the traditional hand-carved, is now entering the era of the electric; rate several times higher than the hand-carved, saving time and effort. One-third of the force can be hand-carved, three to five times the speed of sculpture,without fatigue. Segment produce ultra-high speed micro vibration 10,000 times per minute touch wood, this ultra- high-speed vibrations for carving and polishing. Characteristics: 1.Hanging the host machine above the workbench can save more space and facilitate operation. 2. ABS industrial plastic electronic pedal, light weight. When used, it will not generate heat and prolong the service life of the switch. 3. Up-pressure decelerates and down-pressure accelerates. Through the foot pedal control speed, easy to operate. 4. The engraving speed can be changed at any time, and the hands and feet can be used at the same time to improve the working efficiency. 5. Tighten the screw at the bottom of the pedal to directly control the corresponding speed and adjust it arbitrarily (the tighter the screw, the faster the speed). 6. Low noise, only slight vibration of the handle, long working hours are not easy to fatigue. Parameters: Rated voltage: 110V Output power: 380W Rated power: 50Hz Standard chuck adjustable range: 0.1-4mm Rated rotation: 0-25000R/min Switch: electronic pedal infinitely rotating speed Package Include: 1x Host 1x Flexible shaft 1x High precision handle 1x Wrench 1x Foot switch 5x Carving blades

2025-01-07 02:51:20

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