해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
HOMETALL Finger Skateboards for Kids Set of 12, Mini Skateboard Fingerboards 12 Pieces Finger Toys Pack, Gifts for Kids Children Finger Skater

상품번호 B07N39GCNB
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상품가격 $8.99
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Exceptional Gift Ideas -- HOMETALL skateboards is the best choice if you’re looking for a gift set. Package with 12 pcs fingerboards and tools, you can easily detach and recombinate differen wheels and finger boards as you desiredSuitable for All Age Group -- Mini skateboards provide hours of entertainment for kids and adults alike. Whether you need a fidget toy or want to try an uncommon creative outlet, fingerboards might just be your answer.Excellent Training Props -- Fingerboards come in a variety of designs and shapes to help develop your child’s creativity and coordinationBest for Tricks -- Made of high-quality plastic, our finger skateboards help beginers easily get the trick with light weight. Start with ollies and kickflips and cruise on to board slides, 50/50 moves and more.Professional Guarantee & Friendly Support -- Guaranteed with CPC/ASTM certifications, HOMETALL finger skateboards for kids allows you buy without risk! We also offer 30 days money back return guarantee and friendly team are ready to support you in 24 hours.

2024-05-15 08:08:00

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