해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
PORTAL Oversized Folding Rocking Camping Chair Portable Outdoor Rocker with High Back Hard Armrests Carry Bag, Supports 300 lbs, Mesh Back, Black

상품번호 B07N39LM63
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상품가격 $96.99
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Oversized Rocking Chair: The outdoor rocking chair is oversizely designed with wider seat and can support up to 300lbs. Everyone can enjoy a brisk rocking by sitting in it comfortablely by yourself or with your kids!29" High Mesh Back: This camping rocking chair has a 29" padded backrest which will provide full support to your shoulders and head. The honeycomb mesh back allows cooling air to circulate. It also has pockets and a cup holder on the sides for your convenience.Heavy Duty with Hard Armrests: This camping rocking chair is safe and easy in and out. Constructed with a sturdy thickened steel frame and high density polyester, you can absolutely trust its sturdiess to embrace nature and life to the fullest!Easy to Fold and Unfold: There is almost no assembly needed, and it only takes 10s to complete! Once you know the trick, you\'ll be amazed at how easy the folded design is! Please refer to the step-by-step diagram and video, or contact us to learn more.Portable and Compact: The unique folding design allows it to be folded into a bundle and placed in the carrying bag within a few seconds, making it a much smaller folded size than other regular rockers. You can easily bring it to camp, concerts, games, outdoor sports, or just use it in the backyard, etc.

2024-07-11 22:39:34

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