해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Women's Golf Pants Stretch Straight Lightweight Breathable Twill Work Chino Ladies Pants

상품번호 B07N78L5CQ
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상품구분 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry / Sport Specific Clothing
브랜드 Brand: Bakery
판매자 미확인
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 39.99
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Women’s Golf Pants Stretch Lightweight Breathable Quick Dry Tech Pants The women golf pants offer maximum comfort and performance in an essential piece of golf apparel. Lightweight breathable fabric wicks away moisture to ensure you stay dry. Stretch fabric moves with you for a full range of motion and outstanding fit. A stretchable waistband provides a custom fit. These pants are perfect for all golfers and work great in all weather. Prouduct Feature: 4-way Stretch: Stretch fabric moves with you to keep you comfortable throughout your swing and beyond all the way to the office. Lightweight & Breathable: Moisture management helps you remain cool and dry by keeping sweat from piling up. UPF 50+ Sun Protection: When you are outdoor sports can scientifically block the sun\'s damaging UV rays. Easy care, good shape, wrinkle-free. Smooth & Durable YKK Zip-Fly With Button Closure: We use a premium YKK zip-fly with button closure to ensure its smooth, durability, and long-lasting uses. Function Multiple Pockets & Mid Waist: Separate small pocket for small tools such as golf Tee. These comfortable and functional relaxed fit golf pants women are designed with a contoured midrise waistband featuring to conform to your shape. 2 Front Pockets: Safe, Convenient Storage: You can store your keys, phone, wallet items, and golf balls in one of the two front deep side pockets. 2-Inch High Belt Loop & 2 Back Pockets: The ladies golf pants waist is wide, there is no tightness and the belt can be easily adjusted so that you can move freely when playing golf. 2 back pockets with button closure. Straight Fit Golf Pants: Straight leg pants, great for golf sports, the women golf pant for women doesn\'t pick your body shape and can make you look slimmer. Available Color: Black, Grey, Beige, Navy Blue, Khaki, Polka Dots, Plaid(Checkered Pattern)

2024-11-30 05:44:10

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