해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Baby Nail Trimmer Electric, Lupantte Safe Baby Nail File, Baby Nail Clippers with Light and 6 Grinding Pads for Newborn Infant Toddler or Adults Toes and Fingernails, Kids Nail Care, Polish and Trim

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상품가격 $15.99
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Safe & Effective – Super soft baby nail trimmer that won\'t damage cuticles or soft nail beds, safely and quickly trim and polish little toenails and fingernails.Whisper-Quiet & Front Light – Lupantte baby nail clippers with the whisper-quiet motor, you can trim toenails and fingernails without waking up your sleeping baby. With a LED front light aimed at fingernails, you can trim your baby’s nails even while they are sleeping or late-night feeding!6 Grinding Heads – The safe electric baby nail file comes with 4 high-quality cushioned sandpapers file head attachments safe for babies and kids of all ages, 2 file head attachments for adults(Including 1 special tool for CALLUS REMOVAL). 6 nail trimmer pads suitable for all ages. Power by 2 AA batteries (NOT INCLUDE).Adjustable settings – the nail file is easy to use with only 1 button to control the speed and rotation, and 4 working modes (speed high or low, rotation clockwise or reverse) are 360°all-round exquisite trimming and polishing make toenails and fingernails softer and smoother. You can switch the settings from right to left hand and to different speeds to adjust the comfortable position to polish nails.Lupantte Technology &Service - Lupantte is dedicated to providing superior quality products and services for all. Please feel free to contact us if the baby nail trimmer electric does not satisfy you for any reason.

2024-02-13 12:14:14

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