해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
BestMassage Massage Table Portable Massage Bed 2 Fold Lash Bed Height Adjustable Spa Bed with Towel Hanger Oil Pouch Half Bolster Round Bolster Non-Woven Backpack

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상품가격 $107.99
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「PORTABLE MASSAGE TABLE」 The massage table easy to move around if you\'re a traveling beautician or massage professional! This Lash Bed about 32 lbs. Portable massage table includes a durable carrying case with an adjustable shoulder strap and side pocket to hold oils and supplies.Massage table massage bed spa bed.「SIMPLE INSTALLATION」 This massage bed does not require any tools , All we had to do was open/unfold Lash Bed from the middle and the legs automatically fell into place. Massage table quick installation method is saves valuable time. Spa bed massage bed portable massage table.「HUMANIZED HEIGHT ADJUSTABLE」 The every sturdy feet of the Lash Bed are equipped with height-adjustable device. The massage table height adjusted from 24" to 34".The simple height adjustment method is convenient for the masseur to work better with spa bed.Fold massage tale massage bed portable massage table.「COMFORTABLE & SOFT & STRONG」The massage table has high density sponge, give you a soft and comfortable experience. The Lash Bed made of reinforced beech frame with support cables , reinforced hardwood corner blocks for superior strength to enable up to 450 lbs on the spa table.Massage table massage bed spa table.「EXCELLENCE IN DETAIL PROCESSING」 The massage table cover draped in a luxurious PVC leather, durable, soft, and easy to clean, but spa bed has no offensive smell like other synthetic materials. The secure lock ensures safe and convenient carrying of the Lash Bed.Massage table massage bed spa bed.

2025-01-08 03:11:11

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