해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
VRracing New Pocket-Riveted Fender Flares for Ford Super Duty 1999-2007 F250 F350 4Pcs Front+Rear Textured Black

상품상태 New    
상품구분 Automotive / Replacement Parts
브랜드 VRracing
판매자 Suzhou Hao Tang Auto Parts Co., Ltd
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $83.89
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Make sure this fits by entering your model number.protects wheel from mud, scratches, sand and other outer damage,brings your vehicle upgrade, refresh lookFor Style Side only ; Does not fit Dually Models.Compatible with 1999 - 2007 Ford F250 Super Duty ,1999 - 2007 Ford F350 Super DutyHigh quality injection moulding fender flares with Textured and precise edge cutting finishComes with 1 set of 4 pieces fender flare (2 for front and 2 for rear).Hardware for installation are included .No cutting or trimming needed,some drilling may be required.Professional installation is highly recommended.Free shipping from US!
Title: Fender Flares Application: For Style Side only ; Does not fit Dually Models 1999 - 2007 Ford F250 Super Duty 1999 - 2007 Ford F350 Super Duty Color: Textured Black Specifics and Benefits: Brand new in original box, never been tried on & used 100% UV Protection, No Chalking, Cracking, or Warping Comes with 1 set of 4 pieces fender flare (2 for front and 2 for rear) Made of high quality polypropylene with paintable smooth finished High quality injection moulding fender flares with smooth and precise edge cutting finish Hardware for installation are included To protect wheel from mud, scratches, sand and other outer damage Gives your vehicle upgrade, refresh look No cutting or trimming needed; some drilling may be required Professional installation is highly recommended Package Includes: 1 Set of Fender Flares, hardware and installation guide are included, as the picture shown Note: All of the items in our shop will come to you with the tracking number.

2020-05-10 17:05:38

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