해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
NEWZILL Compression Dress Socks 15-20mmHg for Men & Women Cotton Rich Comfortable Socks BEST Stockings for Running

상품번호 B07P77DD1N
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상품가격 $17.99
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60% Cotton, 25% Spandex, 15% CopperImported【COPPER COMPRESSION SOCKS】Copper is a great conductor of electricity, we extended its natural property to rejuvenate blood circulation through your legs through copper fibers capable reviving blood circulation along with providing a 15-20 mmHg compression. It offers the most perfect settlement scheme for those who sit for long period during travel or at work【PROMOTES BLOOD FLOW & CIRCULATION】Compression (15-20 mmHg) Socks deploy "graduated" compression—they squeeze more and more tightly the farther they are from the heart. These colorful compression socks can help reduce blood pooling in the legs and speed up the return of blood to the heart. Stimulating blood flow helps improve oxygen delivery to your muscles, which speeds up muscle recovery, helps prevent cramping, swelling, spider veins, and circulation issues common among diabetics【COMFORTABLE & STYLISH】Newzill knee high dress compression socks are made of 60% Cotton, let your feet stay comfortable and dry in a variety of weather settings. Our Dress Socks are great for business casual, office outfit, long hours flight and weekend wear; you\'ll always look professional and stylish while enjoying the utmost comfort【GRAB CONTROL OF YOUR WELLBEING IN STYLE】An Excellent compression hose very durable with a fashionable look and variety colors available. Washable designed with Quality Lycra Fabric built for durability. Customers agree the comfort is amazing. Use them on a plane during that 9 hr flights or during that 6 mile walk Your durable socks work with your routine. Feel the shock absorption effect instantly that really helps reduce fatigue and swelling in your lower leg【GET READY. TO BECOME A RAVING FAN】We cut no corner in our product and will cut no corners in our support of you! You are making a very intelligent decision doing business with our company. We know you\'re a big deal and we\'ll only provide you with the finest product and service! If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to us. We will promptly respond to your inquiries and work diligently to resolve any issues

2024-10-31 02:26:51

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