해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Schylling NeeDoh Crystal - Sensory Fidget Toy - Assorted Colors - Ages 3 to Adult (Pack of 1)

상품번호 B07PFL9ZVQ
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상품가격 $7.17
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The Groovy Glob of gratifying goo it gleams, glimmers and glistens, an iridescent wonder will help you mellow out and find inner peace and tranquilityFeeling stressed and on edge? You knead Nee Doh. Give it a squeeze, a squish, a pull or a smush, it’ll sooth your soul and get you feeling groovy fastFilled with a mysterious, completely child safe, environmently friendly, jelly-like compound, it’s strong, durable and won’t break open; always returns to its original shapeHypoallergenic and completely safe and non-toxic, it contains no BPA, phthalates or latex; cleans easily with soap and waterA great fidget toy; appropriate for those with ADD, ADHD, OCD, Autism and anxiety; helps promote focus, attention and centering, a great gift for ages 3+
Nee Doh, the groovy glob of stress ball fun, will help you mellow out. Squeeze it, pull it, smush it. massage itit’s the perfect escape. Feeling stressed? Then you knead Nee Doh. Give it a squeeze and it’ll soothe your soul, calm your nerves and bring calmness to your world. Pick just the right design for you. It’s available in a variety of styles and many bold colors. The line of Nee Doh products are brought to you exclusively by Schilling Toys, the award-winning, world leader in traditional toys and classic fun. For almost 50 years we’ve been reimagining classic toys and gifts to create lasting memories. Everything we do is inspired by the toys that marked our childhoods. We’re dedicated to creating engaging products that will inspire joy and delight in future generations. Timeless. Classic. Fun

2025-01-09 15:53:19

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