해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Blissful Nights z4 Adjustable Bed Frame for Storage Beds with Massage Anti-Snore, Zero G, USB Charging Station, Wireless Remote Head and Foot Incline and No Tools Required Assembly … (Queen)

상품번호 B07PFYWP3G
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상품구분 Home & Kitchen / Furniture
브랜드 Brand: Blissful Nights
판매자 미확인
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 639.00
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Zero Clearance Adjustable base with back-lit wireless remote featuring Zero Gravity, TV Lounge Preset, Anti Snore, flat, Massage,and Custom Memory PresetsThis adjustable bed base is designed for storage beds and does not require legs to operate. Your bed must be able to hold and support the additional weight of the base.Whisper quite motor operation utilizing quality components and manufacturing process.10 Year U.S. Warranty and friendly customer service when you need it750-pound weight capacity - Okin motor and control box is extremely quite, very reliable, and responsive - Queen base measures 59.5" x 79.5" x 3" - 135lbs
We set out to create a reliable adjustable bed frame and enhanced it with some features to make your night even more enjoyable. Our adjustable beds are manufactured with quality materials and components and we back that up with a 10-year warranty. This adjustable bed features dual massage motors to evenly distribute the feature through the mattress to each side of the bed, you will also find dual USB ports on each side of the adjustable bed frame that are placed at the head so that they are still usable even in a bed frame. Included in the box you will find a back-lit wireless remote with memory settings to allow you to simply adjust your sleep position to support each activity you may do in bed, such as eating, reading, watching TV or having to work. Adjustable beds offer you optimal comfort and can alleviate body and joint pains along with reducing moderate snoring. When you raise your feet above your heart known as the zero-gravity position you can increase blood circulation, reduce your stress and soreness in the body. Available in Queen, Twin XL (two Twin XL makes a King) and Split California King (Requires Cal King Split Mattress) Functions include: Back-lit Wireless remote - 1 remote for Twin XL/Queen & 2 remotes for King/Cal-King Integrated dual massage motors melt away tension and increase circulation. Dual USB (4) ports in total. Mattress foot retainer bar. Quick and easy setup and no tools required Ships Small Parcel – Boxes are heavy, team lifting is recommended Upholstered in grey linen like fabric. Whisper quiet motor and operating system 750lb weight capacity UL tested Back-up battery power box included Meets 16 CFR Part 1633 Federal flammability (open flame) standards. 10-year limited manufacturer’s warranty. **Please verify with your bed manufacture the weight capacity of your bed frame prior to installing this adjustable bed - Base Weight Is 135lbs

2024-09-30 13:40:34

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