해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
iPlay, iLearn Plush Baby Rattle Toys, Newborn Soft Barn Farm Stuffed Animal Set, Infant Hand Sensory Development, Girls Boys Stuff, Easter Birthday Shower Gift Basket Stuffer 3 6 9 12 Month 1 Year Old

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상품가격 $26.49
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PolyesterFarm Animals Design: Fall in love with the exquisite craftsmanship. Jingle Lamb, Jingle Puppy, Jingle Duck, and Squeaky Donkey all living together in the versatile red house complete with a mirror.Play & Learn: Stimulate vision with the included mirror, strengthen muscles by squeezing to make noises, improve fine motor skills by shaking rattles, and develop sensory functions through sounds.Convenient to Carry: The whole rattle set can be packed into the cute red house and be hung on the stroller or hand carried. You can take it everywhere to keep your baby entertained.Must-Have Gift: Visually one of the most popular plush toys. This is a "must have" for babies aged 3 months and up. New and soon to be mothers look no further than here.So Many Purposes: Playmates during the day, calming companions at night, eye-catching charms, and so much more! Tip: Use at night as an ornament in the baby\'s room to create a warm atmosphere.

2024-05-15 11:50:34

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