해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Vesgantti Twin Mattress, 10 Inch Hybrid Twin Size Mattress in a Box, Single Bed Pillow Top Mattress, Gel Memory Foam and Pocket Coils Innerspring Mattresses, Pressure Relief, Medium Firm Feel

상품번호 B07PWS7D5P
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상품가격 $197.99
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【Medium-Firm Plush Feel】- Fully expanded 75 *39*10 inch(LWH) approx. Vesgantti luxury mutilayer foam and pocket spring support systerm provide medium firm yet comfortable feel. A great relief for those suffering from back and neck pains【Individual Pocket Spring】- Innovative zoned support system constructed by hundreds of individual pocketed stainless spring coils, each spring work independently to offer an all-over and even support to 7 parts of your body (Feet, legs, hips, waist, shoulders, neck, head). Excellent shock-absorption and resilience, cater your vertebra well, help adjust and correct your sleeping posture【Breathable and Healthy】- Designed with multi-layer foams, comfortable and breathable, providing good air circulation to dissipate sweat and moisture to keep body comfortable and dry when sleeping【Ultra Quite】- Due to the pocket spring + multilayer foams design, this mattress can effectively absorb noise and vibration; No waken up caused by tossing and turning, no disturbing companion【Vacuum Rolled Packed】- Delivery: vacuum sealed and neatly rolled in a box. Make sure no one is stanting at the direction where the mattress is rolling out to prevent any unnecessary injury. Smaller size, easy to carry, restore in 10 seconds after unpacking, fully expanded for 72 hours. (Please note: once the mattress open and restore, it cannot be roll back again)

2024-09-05 14:49:14

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