해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Donner 12 Inches Drum Practice Pad Silent Drum Pad Set Blue 2-Sided With Drum Sticks

상품번호 B07PZ6D39R
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상품가격 $20.99
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?[Practice Whenever U Want] - Donner Drum Practice Pad is the perfect practice pad for any drummer which offers an authentic playing experience. You can easily practice your skills at home or the outdoors. Portable & lightweight! it works flexibly on any surface including carpet, table, and standard snare basket. Super long-lasting for kids\' use, too!?[Quiet, No Worry From Noise] - The drum practice pad is constructed from High-density compressed wood board, elastic rubber, and EVA polymer mat. It equips with a special EVA polymer mat, so you can improve your technique without disturbing your family, roommates, or neighbors; Enjoy playing the drum with the pad no worry from noise complaints.?[Premium Drum Pad] - Practice Drum pad Surface adopts high-density elastic rubber for realistic stick rebound that offers you an opportunity to build your stamina and muscle memory meaning. EVA polymer mat on the bottom to prevent slipping & soundproofing, it also has excellent shock absorption and buffering performance to protect your wrists from hurt. The cotton side has a cavity to screw the pad onto a stand.?[2 Size & 2 Color Choices] - 8 inches & 12 inches practice pads are available to suit individual practice requirements. Blue & Grey color choices are available to suit individual preferences. The drum practice pad comes with a pair of high-quality maple drumsticks, which are also a good helper for percussion learners.?[Great Set for Your Family!] 12-inch size in Gray or Blue color choice. This practice pad comes with a pair of high-quality drumsticks. Great Set for your family for Birthdays or Christmas.

2024-07-11 06:13:20

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