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Laplink PCmover Home | Instant Download | Single Use License | Moves Applications, Files, and Settings to Your New PC

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Easy-to-Use – Install PCmover on both of your computers and follow the simple wizard to transfer everything you select to your new PC.Set It and Forget It – You start the transfer and walk away. PCmover does the rest!PCs Auto Connect – Discovers and connects PCs using the fastest method detected.Optimized for Fastest Transfer – Provides maximum performance and time savings. You will quickly be using your new PC with everything ready to go.Complete Selectivity – Automatically transfers all selected applications, files, folders, and settings to your new PC.
PCmover Home 11 is the ONLY software that automatically transfers applications, files, and settings from an old PC to a new one and is ideal for someone with only one user profile on a PC! It’s the easiest way to move to a new PC without leaving anything behind, even when there are different versions of Windows on the old and new PC. Nothing is changed on the old PC and nothing is overwritten on the new PC. To use PCmover, simply install it on both your old and new Windows computers, and follow the easy-to-use wizard. When the transfer is complete, your new PC will have the personality and functionality of your old one. Because most transferred applications are installed ready-to-use on the new PC, there’s usually no need to find old CDs or previously downloaded applications, serial numbers, or license codes. Laplink’s PCmover is the best-selling migration solution and the ONLY one Microsoft recommends. PCmover Home 11 Key Features: Easy-to-Use – Install PCmover on both of your computers and follow the simple wizard to transfer everything you select to your new PC. Set It and Forget It – You start the transfer and walk away. PCmover does the rest! PCs Auto Connect – Discovers and connects PCs using the fastest method detected. Optimized for Fastest Transfer – Provides maximum performance and time savings. You will quickly be using your new PC with everything ready to go. Complete Selectivity – Automatically transfers all selected applications, files, folders, and settings to your new PC. USB 3.0 Support – Transfer data up to 5 Gbps with a Laplink SuperSpeed USB 3.0 cable (included in select PCmover Ultimate boxes or sold separately). “Undo” Feature – Quickly reverse changes made to your new PC if you change your mind or want to re-do the transfer with different selections. PCmover Home is the perfect migration tool for single user computers attached to a home or small network - PCmover Home will not work if either PC is on a domain. 24/7 FREE Transfer Assistance - Simply set up your new PC with the help of a certified PC migration expert, over the phone or remotely. Free, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Microsoft’s recommended migration solution The Easiest Way to Move to a New PC PCmover Home 11 is a quick and easy way to transfer from one Windows PC to a newer one, saving you hours or days of time in setup. PCmover\'s advanced features let you choose which applications, files, and settings to take with you when you move the data to your new PC. Microsoft’s Windows 10 no longer includes Windows Easy Transfer, making PCmover Home the critical solution for saving you time in setup. And, it is Microsoft’s recommended migration solution. Multiple Connection Options and Optimized for Fastest Transfer PCmover Home can transfer your PC’s data across a network (Wi-Fi or wired), a Laplink Ethernet cable, Laplink USB 2.0 cable, or Laplink USB 3.0 cable. PCmover’s auto connection technology will determine the most efficient method for you. While PCmover completes the transfer as fast as possible, the transfer may take several hours depending on various factors: the size of the hard drive, the amount of data, the number and size of applications and files, and the connection speed. 24/7 FREE Transfer Assistance Although we have made PCmover as easy to use as possible, setting up a new PC can be a difficult experience. That’s why Laplink offers all PCmover customers Free Transfer Assistance, a service that provides free access to a PC transfer expert to assist with installation, connection, and configuration. Laplink Software, Inc. For over 30 years, Laplink Software has been a global leader in PC connectivity. Our commitment to the needs of our customers has been the driving force behind all of our product development and has earned Laplink the loyalty and trust of millions of customers worldwide who migrate, transfer, synchronize, share, and remotely access their data. System Requirements & What You Should Know Operating system: Microsoft Windows 10, 8, 7, Vista, XP PCmover is not designed for migrations from newer operating systems to older operating systems. Logged-On User Only / Domain Users Not Supported. Multiple Hard Drives Not Supported. PCmover Home will only transfer data from the C: drive on the old computer to the C: drive on the new computer. Other hard drives (e.g., E:) will be excluded from the transfer. Processor: Same as required by operating system System RAM: Same as minimum required by operating system HD space: 200 MB of available hard disk space required to run PCmover Display screen size: N/A Video card: N/A Other (internet; browser): N/A List of interface languages: English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), Czech, Dutch, Indonesian, Korean, Polish, Portuguese (Brazilian), Russian, Thai, Turkish, and Vietnamese Minimum System Requirements: Operating System: Windows (All) Processor: 32-bit and 64-bit Storage: 200 MB available space Additional Requirements: Active Internet account for download and installation. Active network or direct connection required between the old and the new PC.

2024-11-28 15:14:41

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