해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
California Design Den - Finest Twin Size Bed Sheets, Soft 100% Cotton Cooling Sheets Deep Pockets, 500 Thread Count, 3-Pc Set, Best Bedsheet Set Twin Sheets Set, Twin Bed Sheets (Grey)

상품번호 B07QHVL635
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상품가격 $46.80
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Ready to Sleep in Luxury? Transform your sleeping experience with our luxurious 500 thread count bed sheets, made from 100% cotton sateen. Experience the ultimate softness, comfort, and breathability that you deserve, for a good night\'s sleep that leaves you feeling refreshed and energized in the morning.Confused About Thread Counts? Investing in new bed sheets is a big decision. But with so many brands making unverifiable Egyptian cotton claims, it can be overwhelming to know which one to trust. Our independently certified 500 thread count luxury sheets guarantee a smart investment. Durable, comfortable, and made to last for years, you can sleep soundly knowing you made the right choice with these deep pocket twin sheets .Experience the Ultimate in Comfort and Health: These lightweight and airy luxurious twin bed sheets wick away moisture and promote deep, restful sleep. Perfect for hot sleepers, they\'re naturally cool and skin-friendly. We use extra long staple cotton which makes them soft and buttery to the touch. Built to last, these luxurious Italian-inspired sheets will leave you feeling refreshed and rejuvenated every morning.Tired of ill-fitting sheets? Our fitted sheet is designed to fit mattresses up to 15 inches deep. No more bunching or popping off corners! With durable all-around elastic and a head/foot indicator for easy bed-making, you\'ll love the convenience. Our 3-piece twin-size set includes true-to-color, stain-free, fade-free, hole-free, and fuzzball-free fabric. You\'ll get the comfort you deserve for years to come!We Promise You\'ll Love These Sheets: Wall Street Journal confirms that "California Design Den\'s Cotton Sheets are as soft and well-made as other cotton sheets costing more than three times their price." Our cotton sheets are machine washable, easy to maintain, and Oeko-Tex certified for your safety. Plus, if you\'re not satisfied, you can return them within 30 days for a full refund.

2024-07-10 19:00:03

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