해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Anezus Craft Knife Precision Cutter and Self Healing Cutting Craft Mat Hobby Knife Set with 30 PCS Knife for Art Hobby Craft Scrapbooking Stencil

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【ALL IN ONE CRAFT KNIFE SET】Package includes 1pcs A4 double sided self-healing cutting mat and 1pcs hobby knife and extra 30pcs SK-5 blades. This knife set helps artists, crafters, and professionals to work smoothly【SHARP AND DURABLE ART KNIFE FOR PRECISE CUTS】This precision knife is consist of anti-skidding aluminum handle, #11 fine point blade and safety cap. Also comes with 30pcs spare SK-5 steel blades that pack with plastic case to keep the blades safe and lubricated. The SK-5 high carbon steel blades good for smooth and precise cutting without tears and rips the papers and projects【CUTTING MAT FOR CRAFT】Cutting mat measures 12 x 9 inches, double side with inch grids and different angles 45°and 60° that will greatly help the cutting process. Cutting mat for craft featuring with self-healing to protect your craft knives, straight cutting blades, rotary cutter and work surface【VERSATILE CUTTING MAT KIT】Our craft cutter gives you huge versatility for cutting on wood, cardboard, paper, plastic, cloth, leather and foam board craft and ideal for small, medium and large craft and sewing projects【EASY CHANGE BLADE SYSTEM】An easy-change blade system to unlock and secure the blades into place with a simple twist. while the included safety cap makes for worry-free storage

2025-01-07 12:59:28

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