해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
AUTOOL Automotive Smoke Leak Detector Evap Car Pipe Leakage Tester Fuel Leak Locator Universal for Motorcycle/Car/Truck

상품번호 B07QWT9RB8
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상품가격 $89.00
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【Why Need It】For example: 1. The rupture of the vacuum hose will cause the mixture to be too thick, the idle speed will increase, the hot car will not start well, the engine will surge during acceleration, the fuel consumption will increase significantly, and the exhaust pipe will emit black smoke. 2. Blocking will cause the idle speed to drift, and the idle speed is easy to stall. 3. Air leakage in the vacuum tube will cause the engine to run weakly【Wide Testing Range】The smoke leak detector can do smoke testing of multiple systems, such as EVAP systems, Intake Systems, Cooling / EGR /Exhaust Systems, Crankcase Systems, Engine Airtightness, Vacuum Leaks, Low Pressure Turbo leaks.Applicable cars, motorcycles, snowmobiles, off-road vehicles, ATVs, light trucks and speedboats boats.【Built-in Air Pump】Customers do not need to purchase additional air pumps, we use high-quality materials, after many tests, please rest assured to use. You can save more time and money【EVAP Detection】American cars that began production in 1996 are equipped with EVAP service ports; in most American cars, the EVAP service port is usually located in the engine compartment, but the EVAP service port of some special models may be located in other locations. Open the plastic cover of the EVAP service port, then use the spool wrench to remove the check valve clockwise, then install the EVAP service port adapter, and introduce smoke from the port into the EVAP leak detection system.【Stable and efficient】Fill the car pipes with smoke, wait for about 2 minutes, and use inspection lights to assist in lighting, and start to check the system leakage fault points, which is very efficient.

2025-02-05 20:39:37

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