해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Pour Over Coffee Dripper, Reusable Stainless Steel Pour Over Coffee Filter With Cup Stand and Brush, For Chemex and Most Coffee Pot, Tumbler, Mug

상품번호 B07R137KL2
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상품가격 16.99
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【WELL-BALANCED BREWING PERFORMANCE】Micro mesh pattern weaving and V60 Shape provides excellent extraction rate. Even a beginner can make a cup of good coffee.【PERFECT FITS and SAFETY USE】Divided design fits on most coffee pots and mugs.Silicone handle to resistan heat, Anti-slip base to keep the filter steady for safety use.【BUGET SAVING HELP ENVIRONMENT】304 stainless steel offers the ultimate in filtration quality for a long lifespan, and no more paper filter.【SIMPLE TO CLEAN】Clean up in less than a minute. High quality stainless steel is corrosion resistant.Included bonus cleaning brush,Rinse with warm water,Dry thoroughly or throw it on the top rack of your dishwasher.【100% SATISFIED】You are making a wise decision doing business with our company. We believe every value customer like you deserves only the best.Add your Pour Over Coffee Dripper to your cart and experience the 5-star customer experience! So Buy With Confidence!
Specifications - Material: Food grade 304 stainless steel - Color: Stainless silver - Size of filter: Height: 3.7 inches Diameter: 4.9 inches - Size of stand: Height: 3.7 inches Upper Diameter: 4.8 inches Below Diameter: 4.1 inches - Brewing capacity: Brew 1-4 cups (about 800ml) Package Included: 1*Pour Over Coffee Filter 1*Filter Stand 1*Cleaning Brush

2024-07-09 14:57:16

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