해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Hanchen 10pcs Commercial Waffle Maker NP-533 Electric Waffle Machine 110V No-Stick Belgian Waffle Baker (Cake Size: 80x54x12mm)

상품번호 B07R7GVSKX
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상품가격 31.80
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Parameter: Waffle size: 80x54 (Diameters) x12mm(Thickness) (Please also refer to the picture.), KID SIZE, please check the size carefully, will it meet your needs? Before purchasing, please be sure to check whether the size meets your needs. Thanks. Volts: 110V 50HzHigh quality material: The fuselage is made of high quality and heavy stainless steel. It is strong in fashion and resistant to rust. It ensures the excellent quality of the machine.Advanced: The thickness of the handle is 3 times that of the original, the base reaches 2.5mm; Non-Stick Cooking SurfaceAdjustable Thermostat: It adopts a unique simple multifunctional temperature control panel.Air vent: There are many air outlets on the left and right sides, which keep the machine ventilated and heat dissipated well and make the machine life longer.Parameter: Waffle size: 80x54 (Diameters) x12mm(Thickness) (Please also refer to the picture.), KID SIZE, please check the size carefully, will it meet your needs? Before purchasing, please be sure to check whether the size meets your needs. Thanks. Volts: 110V 50Hz

2024-05-17 02:16:38

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