해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Thermaltake Floe 360mm, TR4 Exclusive, 16.8 Million Color Software Enabled (TT RGB Plus/Alexa/Razer Chroma), AIO CPU Liquid Cooler CL-W235-PL12SW-A, Black

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상품가격 $160.76
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Designed for AMD Ryzen Threadripper TR4 - high-performance water block with a large Copper base plate offer superior IHS coverage for Str4. The pump comes installed with the AMD Str4 bracket and thermal paste for easy installation.Set lights effortlessly - utilize 20+ lighting schemes with the patented TT RGB Plus software and an exclusively designed TT RGB Plus app.Sync with Razer Chroma lighting - experience synchronized gaming and RGB lighting effects with Razer Synapse 3.Fun with TT AI voice control - gives you full control over the lights, fan speeds with your voice.Works with Alexa - allows you to control the lights, fan speeds, and even check the current weather condition in your location by giving verbal command to the Alexa-enabled device.High efficiency radiator - 360mm large surface radiator supports up to 6x 120mm fans for additional heat dissipation.Durable tubing - the high pump enables the maximum amount of water circulation. The low evaporation tube effectively decreases the loss of coolant.3 year
Floe Ring RGB 360 TR4 Edition is a 16.8 million colors liquid CPU cooler especially designed for AMD TR4 motherboards. Comes with three 120mm Ring Plus RGB fans and a LED water block, floe Ring RGB 360 TR4 Edition features extraordinary performance and superior quality. Besides, the water block and the fans are manufactured with multiple addressable LEDs that supports Thermaltake patented TT RGB Plus software, Amazon Lexa Voice service and can sync with RAZER Synapse 3 (RAZER Chroma). enjoy better cooling performance and greater CPU protection with one Simple upgrade! P/N: CL-W235-PL12SW-A Pump Rated Voltage: 12 V Rated Current: 0.325 A Motor Speed: 3600 R.P.M Water Block Material: Copper Rated Voltage: 5 V Rated Current: 0.4A Fan Dimension: 120 x 120 x 25 mm Speed: 1000 ~ 2000 RPM Noise Level: 21.8 ~ 33 dB-A Rated Voltage: 12 V Max. Air Flow: 26.35 ~ 54.42 CFM Max. Pressure: 0.66 ~ 2.45 mm-H2O Connector: 9 pin Tube Length: 400 mm Material: Rubber Radiator Dimension: 393x 120 x 27 mm Compatibility AMD TR4 (CPU Socket)

2024-02-13 22:39:08

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