해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
SAMSFX Fly Fishing Knot Tying Tool with Break Away Badge Holder for Fly Fishing Tippet Spool Holding Neck Lanyard

상품번호 B07RNHW4DH
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상품가격 $9.99
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Fishing line clipper was made of 420 stainless steel construction, 4 in 1 design consolidates gear into quick knot toolDipped handle for comfort and non slip grip even if the hand is wet or wearing glovesFishing line clipper features as hook sharpener, mono line cutter (not for braid line), hook eye cleaner and knot tyer, D-ring use for knot puller and easy attachmentThis fly fishing tools combo comes with 39" adjustable neck lanyard and stainless steel ring, safety break away joint includedNeck lanyard can be used as fly fishing tippet holder, will hold up to 6 spools or more of tippet
SAMSFX FISHING MAKING YOUR FISHING MORE SIMPLER & EFFICIENT Tips: Come with paper instructions in the pack For more knotting methods, please refer to the video Pay Attention: Please allow 0.4-0.8 " (1-2 cm) differences due to manual measurement Recommended to take a little polishing or sharpen before using it In future use, the nipper can be repeated polishing and sharpened Quick knot tool comes with fly fishing necklace lanyard, carry this tool around your neck for quick access 4 in 1 fishing knot tool completed with the quick knot fork, line clipper, eye cleaner, hook sharpener, and D-ring Features: Tie knots like the professional All-in-One tool for all your line tying needs Built in heavy duty clippers to cut excess line Become a nail knot master Avoid knot failure with this tool Keep hooks sharp with built in sharpener Fly fisherman’s must have gear Equipped with D-ring to attach to lanyard for easy access You won’t want to fish without it Tie your entire fly line with this tool Clean your eye holes with the built in needle Come with fishing zinger retractor, easy to carry Super Fly Fishing Tools Kit, Enjoy Your Fishing Time!

2024-10-01 22:58:44

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