해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
HiPlay JIAOU 12" Female Seamless Action Figures-Asian Body Type, Silicone Body, Multi Tone Selectable-1/6 Scale Figure for Arts/Drawings/Photography (Large Bust, Pink (Ruddy Skin Tone))

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상품가격 $59.99
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AMAZING FEMALE FIGURE DOLLS-This 12 inch realistic female figure is NOT A ADULT TOY. It is just like a real women in good shape which has been miniaturized. This new edition contains: figure body*1, replacable hands*4, bikini*1, head connetor*4, stand*1. ( Head Sculpt & Other accessories are NOT INCLUDED)FULL SILICONE BODY & STAINLESS STEEL SKELETON-When you touch this seamless doll, you may be amazed at her true skin-like feel--gentle, smooth and flexible. The doll is made from high quality non-toxic silicone with stainless steel skeleton inside the body.SUPER FLEXIBLE BODY WITH 26 MOVEMENT JOINTS-The doll has a stainless steel skeleton in its body, which contains 26 points of articulation.You can make various postures as you wish, even some difficult poses that ordinary people can not do.MAKE YOUR FAVORITE DIY WORKS-The product only contain realistic female figure, not include head and cloth. However, you can dress up the doll as you wish.Making her become your favorite star? A super hero? Or someone else you want her to be! (We also offer you various of doll heads, dresses and other doll accessories. Just search what you want plus "HiPlay".)APPLICATIONS-These realistic figures can be used in many fields, such as art works, drawings, photography, DIY, or just simple collection.

2024-05-16 17:48:39

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