해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Flygo Men's Casual Lightweight Outdoor Fishing Work Safari Travel Photo Cargo Vest Jacket Multi Pockets

상품번호 B07RXBBV3X
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상품가격 $29.98
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Flygo Men\'s Outdoor Quick Dry Mesh Fishing Photography Climbing Vest Outdoor Casual Vests Sleeveless Jacket for Workers, Travelers, Photographer, Journalist, Sports, Hiking, and Hunting. Spring hook, D-shape rings, ring ribbon and other design can be linked to scissors, drift and hooks. 15 pockets with velcro and zipper action will allow you to have all your gear and equipment at your fingertips. 100% nylon and Mesh fabric helps to keep you cool and comfortable with back can be unzipped to roll down into bottom pocket revealing mesh back as the day gets warmer. An even distribution of weight makes it feel like it’s not even there! Brass zippers, bite close, smooth wear and tear, can be pulled more than 100,000 times. PLEASE CONFIRM YOUR SIZE BY FOLLOWING SIZING CHART to determine your best choice for a comfortable fit. If you\'re layering clothes underneath your vest you may want to order a size or two larger than you normally wear. Flygo Size Chart: US XS-------Chest:41.73"/106cm-------Shoulder Width:16.54"/42cm--------Length:24.8"/63cm US S-------Chest:43.31"/110cm-------Shoulder Width:17.72"/45cm--------Length:25.59"/65cm US M-------Chest:44.88"/114cm-------Shoulder Width:18.5"/47cm--------Length:26.38"/67cm US L-------Chest:48.82"/124cm-------Shoulder Width:20.08"/51cm--------Length:27.95"/71cm US XL-------Chest:51.18"/130cm-------Shoulder Width:20.87"/53cm--------Length:28.74"/73cm Travel light, but always have your gear ready for your next big adventure!. Flygo vest is a great compliment to many outdoor activities like hunting, biking, archery, charity walks and races, camping, safaris and traveling. It’s perfect for holding photography equipment as well. Best Gift: it is a good choice as gifts for your father, husband or boyfriend. Enjoy your outdoor adventures even more and ADD TO CART NOW so you’re ready to go outside and play!

2024-09-05 04:06:04

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