해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
DHP Milton Twin Loft Bed with Safety Guard Rail, Black, Space Saving Junior Size, Pine Wood

상품번호 B07RZX9JVQ
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상품가격 $148.00
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WoodSpace-saving junior size loft bed designed to maximize bedroom space for kids, with easy-to-reach top bunk and 26.5" high area under bed for storage or reading nookBuilt for safety with solid pine wood frame, integrated 2-step ladder, and 13" guard rail for top bunk. Assembled dimensions: 78"L x 43"W x 43"H. Max weight limit of top bunk is 165 lbsVersatile design matches all styles of décor for boys and girls, making it a great addition to bedrooms for young childrenNo box spring needed with wood slats supporting mattress without sliding. Fits 1 standard twin size 6" innerspring mattress (sold separately)Compact footprint perfect for small spaces, featuring easy climb stepladder and full-length guardrail for additional safety
Introducing the DHP Milton Junior Twin Loft Bed in Black by Dorel Living, the perfect space-saving solution for your child\'s bedroom. This modern loft bed is designed to maximize bedroom space for kids, featuring a low profile design with an easy-to-reach top bunk and a 26.5" high area underneath for storage or a cozy reading nook. Safety is a top priority with the solid pine wood bed frame, which includes an integrated 2-step ladder and a 13" guard rail for top bunk safety. The assembled dimensions of the bed are 78.5" L x 43" W x 43" H, with a maximum weight limit of 165 lbs for the top bunk. The versatile design of this low twin loft bed is minimalist yet contemporary, making it a great addition to any bedroom décor for boys and girls alike. No box spring is needed, as the wood slats support your mattress without the need for additional support. The secured slats and raised sides keep your mattress in place and prevent it from sliding. This bed fits one standard twin size 6" innerspring mattress (sold separately). Let your child\'s creativity run wild with the stylish and functional design of the DHP Milton Junior Twin Loft Bed. With its sturdy wood construction and bold black finish, this bed will easily fit into any décor, bringing a simple, traditional design that draws attention to its clean lines and space-saving silhouette. The low height ensures a safe climb at bedtime, while the space below allows for storage, reading, or building a fort. The DHP Milton Junior Twin Loft Bed is the perfect addition to any child or guest bedroom, bringing a \'Mission\' inspired style with an open, airy feel that captures a fun and casual aesthetic. Don\'t miss out on this stylish and practical bed for your child\'s room. Order yours today!

2025-01-08 09:27:53

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