해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
AstroAI Mini Fridge, 4 Liter/6 Can AC/DC Portable Thermoelectric Cooler and Warmer Refrigerators for Christmas Gift, Skincare, Beverage, Home, Office and Car, ETL Listed (White

상품번호 B07S2RBCT5
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상품가격 $39.99
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COMPACT MINI FRIDGE: The AstroAI mini fridge is a small fridge to store foods, drinks, beer, snacks, breast milk, makeup and skincare. It is ideal to use anywhere in your bedroom, office, dorm, travel, boating, camping and so on4-LITER CAPACITY: Store 6 can/12 oz with ease; Inner dimensions are 5.5” x 5.3” x 8.07”; The removable shelf makes small items like breast milk, skincare, cosmetic, or food easy to separate, great gift for women and menAC/DC ADAPTERS: You can connect the compact refrigerator to a 100-120V home power supply, or you can connect to a 12V car power supply; NOTE: Make sure to only run your cooler/heater while your vehicle’s engine is on or you risk draining your vehicle’s batteryECO-FRIENDLY ENGINEERING: Semiconductor refrigeration chip is freon-free and environmentally friendly; Quiet technology keeps sound at a minimum ( 25dB ), so you can rest easyCOOL TO WARM: Cool up to 32°F (18°C) below ambient temperature, or keep warm up to 150°F (66°C), 86°F (30°C) -64°F (18°C) within an hour, 86°F (30°C) -50°F (10°C) within 2 hours, 86°F (30°C)-37°F( 3°C) within 3 hours. CE, FCC, ETL, RoHS certified; If you have any dissatisfaction with your product quality, please reach out to us immediately

2020-05-12 22:38:05

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