해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
3D Wooden Robot Puzzle, 4 Piece Set Wood Crafts DIY Assembly Robot Puzzle - Wooden Robot Model Kits - Robot Toys for Adults Teens Boys Kids Birthday

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상품가격 $26.99
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【High Quality Puzzle】: Made of high quality natural 3mm sheet, environmentally friendly, non-toxic, no smell,safe to use【Carefully Manufactured】: Robot model puzzle panel pre-cut by laser cutting technology, no cutting tools or glue required. With a precise manual as well as pics, follow the manual to build the jigsaw puzzles set quickly and correctly【Most Interesting Puzzle】: Wooden robot puzzles have a large number of model parts, the process need to play your thinking skills, reasoning skills and creativity, you will find the appearance is the coolest【Best Gift - 3D Robot Combination Toys】: Birthday gifts, family members, friend gifts, thanksgiving gifts, christmas gifts, great fun for kids and adults,create a variety of 3d wooden puzzles. recommend 10 year old and up【"i-CHONY"24 hours online】: If you encounter any doubts during the puzzle process, please feel free to contact us. We will help you solve it

2024-06-07 12:44:05

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