해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Jorgensen 6" Spreader/Bar Clamp Set, 4-pack,One-Hand Light Duty E-Z Hold Clamp/Spreader, 99216A,Black Orange

상품번호 B07SJF9MS8
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상품가격 $42.99
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Basic Parameter - Throat Depth : 2-3/8” from bar top of pad; Maximum opening capacity: 6”; Normal load limit: 150 lbs. Bar: 1/8”*1/2” plated, round-edge, high-carbon steel; Advancing handle: glass-filled nylonLight-duty E-Z hold design - the E-Z hold design allows clamp to be used in two ways - clamp or spreader. Not only can these versatile Clamps can be easily converted into a spreader Clamps, feature our exclusive patented feature that allow two clamps to be joined together to make a clamp with more than double the opening capacity of a single ClampOne-handed Clamp - as a standard, quick-acting Clamp, the patented and innovative sliding head maintains substantially higher clamping forces up to 300 lbs. The unique in-line advancing handle provides Comfort and ease of the use, permits greater travel per squeezeFeatures - these bar clamps combine the speed and ease of single-handed use. With 2-3/8 inch reach and furnished with soft and durable plastic pads
The name says it all. These unique bar clamps are some of our easiest to use clamps and are ideal for hobby, craft and model projects. The contoured comfort grip and quick release lever make it simple to get a firm grip in a flash. Excellent strength-to-weight ratio makes these strong, light-weight aluminium bar clamps Perfect for both commercial and Do-It-Yourself applications.

2024-06-06 23:18:14

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