해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
MelodySusie Nail Drill Bits Set, 7pcs Tungsten Carbide Diamond Nail Drill Bits for Acrylic Nails Poly Gel Cuticle Remove, 3/32'' Professional Nail Bits for Nail Drill Efile, Manicure Pedicure Tools

상품번호 B07SNTBX9Q
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상품구분 Beauty & Personal Care / Foot, Hand & Nail Care
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상품가격 $14.99
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Sharpen Carbide Nail Bits: Comes with 3pcs tungsten carbide nail drill bits, which are made of optimum strength tungsten carbide material. Sturdy sharpe enough to sharpen acrylic gel nails, thick extension nails, builder gel nails.Professional Cuticle Nail Drill Bits: Comes with 1pcs ball bit and 2pcs flame bits, which are made of premium diamond metal, allowing you to prepare the nail bed, clean the cuticle area, shape and shorten the nail, smoothly remove on the surface, drill nail holes, and so on.Durable & Heat Resistance: Made of highest precision metal with superior strength, sharpness, durability, heat resistance, and corrosion-resistant, long-lasting, and sturdy. Ideal tool for nail salons, beauty parlors, spa or personal manicure, or pedicure.Safety Nail Drill Bits: Protect your skin from being harmed with superior craftsmanship and well-tested design. Gentle and smooth used, suitable for Nail Tech or Beginners.3/32" Universal Size: Fit most electric nail drill or rechargeable nail file machine. We will be glad to help if anything you need, rest sure that we will stand behind our products.

2024-11-27 00:44:35

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