해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Gem Stone King 925 Sterling Silver and 10K Yellow Gold 6MM Cushion Cut Gemstone Birthstone Engagement Ring | Wedding Anniversary Promise Ring For Women | Available In Size 5, 6, 7, 8, 9

상품번호 B07SRYTFQ4
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상품구분 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry / Women
브랜드 Visit the Gem Stone King Store
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상품가격 $69.99
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A Timeless Treasure and Style Classic, our rings are always fit for any occasion. Beautifully crafted and designed our Amethyst/Checkerboard, February ring is sure to win your way into her heart. This ring crafted in 925 Sterling Silver and 10K Yellow Gold that adds a polished look to any ensemble and outfit. This ring is the perfect ring for engagements, weddings, and all other occasions. As always with all of products this item comes in packaging making it ready for gifting as soon as it is received. This beautiful item is brand new and comes with complimentary gift packaging appropriately selected to match the item you purchased. The packaging ranges from dainty foam insert packaging to luxurious leather insert wood boxes. Every order is fully insured regardless of value. This insurance protects you against damage or the loss of your item while in transit. The Shipping and Handling fees include the insurance so there is no need to pay separately for insurance.. This product is not suitable for ages under 12.

2024-07-10 14:48:47

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