해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Vornado VFAN Alchemy Vintage Fan, Gunmetal

상품번호 B07SWTQ2PF
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상품가격 $126.10
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Luxury Finishes: VFAN Alchemy\'s retro metal design is durable and long-lasting, and the textured gunmetal finishes with copper accents provide an industrial aesthetic that will suit your bedroom, office, living room, kitchen, and more.Easy-to-Use Size and Controls: 5-speed dial control lets you choose the cooling airflow that\'s right for you. Experience quiet cool air or breezy white noise throughout your bedroom, dorm, or office. At 14 inches tall, VFAN Petite fits perfectly on bedside tables, desks, countertops, and even living room floors.Multi-Directional Airflow: An adjustable tilt head lets you direct cool air where you need it, no matter where VFAN Petite Alchemy is in your room or office.Iconic Performance: VFAN Alchemy uses Vornado\'s iconic design to deliver powerful, far-reaching airflow throughout your room. We broke barriers in 1945 with the original Vornadofan, and we\'ve only continued to improve with age.SUPERIOR SUPPORT — When you choose a Vornado fan, you’re investing in superior performance and design that will deliver total satisfaction. If not, we’ll replace it, for 5 years.
Product Description When brilliant engineering meets iconic design, you find Vornado Alchemy at the crossroads. The VFAN Alchemy is the next evolution in the highly lauded line of Vornado VFANs. At just 14” tall, the VFAN Alchemy sits in the middle of the Alchemy Collection built with a sturdy metal construction and luxurious finishes, the VFAN Alchemy is a prize for any home or office. With five speeds and a fully pivoting head, the VFAN Alchemy performs just as it looks: Amazing. From the Manufacturer IMPORTANT INTERNATIONAL DISCLAIMER: This item is built to meet U.S. voltage requirements and may not function properly when used in conjunction with external devices that alter or convert voltage or frequency of electricity. Improper use or shipping the product outside the U.S. will void all warranties.

2024-05-16 04:00:00

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