해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Human Brain Model,Color-Coded Partitioned Brain,2 Parts, Anatomically Accurate Brain Model Life Size Human Brain Anatomy for Science Classroom Study Display Teaching Medical Model

상품번호 B07T25M358
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브랜드 Brand: XINDAM
판매자 Amazon
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상품가격 $53.99
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Material:The brain model is made of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) plastic, which is corrosion resistant, lightweight, and has high strength.Life Size Human Brain Model on base for use in for patient education or anatomical study.You can clearly see all the main anatomical structures of the human brain.The accuracy of this anatomy brain is the perfect study tool for anatomy students.Functional characteristics:Accurately display the functional partitions of the brain and label them in different colors.Frontal lobe, parietal lobe, occipital lobe, temporal lobe, motor cortex, somatosensory cortex, marginal cortex, cerebellum, brainstem. Etc.Good teaching presentation learning resources tools.XINDAM provide you various kinds of human anatomical model, welcome to our store and get something what you want !
Life-size human brain model mounted for use in patient education or medical study.This exceptional anatomical model offers a great view of the human brain Model . Shawn science offers an in-depth and bargain conscious approach to anatomical study. The line has been designed with anatomy professionals and students in mind. We are sure you will love the models . XINDAM provide you various kinds of human anatomical model, welcome to our store and get something what you want !

2024-04-04 19:16:15

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