해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Traeger TFB57GZEO Pro Series 575 Grill, Smoker, Square inches, Bronze

상품번호 B07T2FWL8Q
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상품가격 $799.00
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Make sure this fits by entering your model number.NEVER USE GAS OR CHARCOAL AGAIN: Traeger created the original wood-pellet grill as the ultimate way to achieve wood-fired taste; The Pro 575 takes it to the next level with precise temperature controlCONNECTED HOME TECHNOLOGY: WiFIRE technology connects your grill to home WiFi and the Traeger app allows the user to control the grill from anywhere; Alexa technology allows you to do it all by voiceVERSATILE BARBECUE COOKING: The Pro 575 pellet grill offers 6-in-1 versatility to grill, smoke, bake, roast, braise, and BBQ all on the same grill; The Porcelain grill grates makes clean up a breezeTHE MARKET LEADER IN PELLET GRILLS: The Traeger Pro Series is the best-selling pellet grill; The upgraded Pro 575 with D2 drivetrain starts quicker, heats up faster, and puts out better quality smokeBUILT FOR FAMILY COOKING: 575 sq in of grilling space that can accommodate twenty four burgers, five rib racks, or four chickens effortlessly; The built-in meat probe allows you to cook to perfection
Color:Bronze  |  Pattern Name:Grill TRAEGER is the# one-selling wood pellet grill in the world. Our goal is to continually innovate, with an ambition to make outdoor cooking easier & better tasting. We'll help you spend less time tending to the grill, & more time bringing family & friends together, creating a more flavorful world. The Pro Series 575 is the latest in cooking technology utilizing wifire technology that allows you to monitor & adjust your grill anytime, anywhere from the Trager app on your smartphone. Plus, with the brand new D2 drivetrain, the Pro Series wifire-enabled pellet grills now start quicker, heat up faster, & put out better smoke quality.

2020-05-12 10:37:50

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