해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
EKSA Gaming Headset, Noise Canceling Mic & RGB Light, Gaming Headphones Compatible with PC, PS4, PS5, Laptop, Computer (Gray-Sandrock)

상품번호 B07T8G9FSG
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상품구분 Video Games / PlayStation 4
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상품가격 $28.79
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[Compatibility]: Professional gaming headset for PC gamers, compatibility with PC (Win 7, Win 8, Win10), PS4 Console, laptops, Mac and other devices with USB audio port.[7.1 Surround Sound]: EKSA gaming headset equip built-in USB audio sound chip with 7.1 surround sound. Combine with 50mm magnetic neodymium driver, create an immersive gaming experience with stereo surround sound in the game. No driver required, very easy and convenient to use.[Noise-Cancelling Mic & One Key Mute Function]: High sensitive microphone with omnidirectional noise reduction tech, reduces distracting background noise, to collect your voice clearly. easy-to-use volume adjustment and one key Mic mute switch, easy for your game operation. And noise-cancelling micphone guarantee loud & hig quality voice talks in game or online chat.[Ergonomic design]: Designed for all-day comfort. With soft memory protein earmuffs on both side, you won\'t feel any discomfort while wearing this 7.1 gaming headphones even for long time gaming. The headband was designed for balanced weight distribution and reduced clamping force to maximize comfort during lengthy gaming sessions.[One Key Mute Function]: Easy-to-use volume adjustment and one key Mic mute switch, easy for your game operation, say goodbye to intricate control type adjustment.

2024-09-05 01:36:06

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