해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Agelocer Men's Watch Top Brand Military Watches Mechanical Watch Bracelet Automatic Watches Calendar 42H Power Reserve Luxury Analog Watches for Men

상품번호 B07TBMP5LY
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상품구분 Clothing, Shoes & Jewelry / Men
브랜드 agelocer
판매자 미확인
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $493.77
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★40mm(1.57inch) Simple Clean Dial,Big Date Window,26mm Transparent caseback,self-produced auto machanical movt Cal. A3350,42 hours power reserve, Double way winding system,Incabloc triangle shock absorber, vibration frequency 3HZ(21600 v.p.h),Equipped with 29 Jewels, Blue steel screw as ornament, Used high-grade circular Geneva pattern polished and carefully crafted.★France Cowhide Leather Strap and 316L Stainless SteelMilan Mesh Strap, Milan steel mesh strap with double tlip intrlockclasp, the new security buckle design, Double protection,solid and reliable.easy to adjust length from 170mm to 210mm(6.6inch to 8.2inch), easy use and safe. What's more, you can enjoy free 2-year warranty.★Weight 71g,Ultra thin 11mm(0.43inch) bezel, let your hand free, fashion modern style.Simple, pure and neat lines,With platinum plated steel hands & Index,Excellent Texture, Awaken a keen sense of art, the pursuit of more elegant ideas and taste.As you see, lt's full of simplify.★Business & Casual Style: When we design this watch, we aim to creat one watch which easy to match clothes, cheap fashion and suit for the young people who have just entered the workplace, so we design this minimalist young leather one. This watch is not only suit for business, it can also wear in daily, easy to match T-shirt, sweater, what a cool man.★Waterproof&Wearing object: The watch is water resistance 50m(5Bar/5ATM), which can use in daily life, such as wash hands/ doing housework...but not suit for swimming and diving. This watch design is simple but not dull. It can suit for teenage and mature male, (it can also fit for women.) You can use it on business & casual daily, a dress wristwatch can be took in work/ travel/ festival...An ideal gift on birthday/ Christmas/ father’s day/ New year/ Best man's gifts.

2020-05-12 12:55:33

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