해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Enxiem Speaker Grill Cloth Stereo Grill Mesh Fabric Speaker Mesh Cloth (Beige)

상품번호 B07TJHWMR1
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브랜드 Enxiem
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상품가격 $12.99
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Approx Size: 55 * 19.6 inch (140 * 50 cm). Protect your speaker or other acoustic equipment from dust, scratches, and damage; moreover, this speaker cloth have great permeability and it allows to bring you better experience of enjoying music.Made of chemical fiber, anti-dust, 3-layer cloth but transparent, and easy to clean, it has long service life.Aesthetic home decoration.Protect the speakers and audios from being easily scratch. Restore your vintage speaker's appearance to like-new condition.Lightweight and soft texture, will no harm to your device, which will works and looks great for your intended project.Help improving sound effect perfectly, make deep bass directivity harmony merge.And the amazing resilience could offer good buffer protection.
Color:Beige 1.Material: Chemical Fiber,Safe, environmentally friendly and harmless。 2.Color: Brown, Black, Blue, Beige (Optional) 3.Suitable for: Large sound box, stage sound box, KTV box, etc. 4.Approx Size: 55 * 19.6 inch (140 * 50 cm) 5.Package Weight: About 0.28 Ib ( about 130g ) Used for: Enxiem's speaker mesh cloth is used to protect the speakers from being easily crushed and prevent dust, which can also be a fashionable decoration for speaker. What's more, it can make the treble, midrange and bass more harmonious. Applicable to large speakers, stage speakers, KTV boxes and so on. Durable speaker grill cloth provides perfectly protection for your speakers. Package Included: 1 * Speaker Mesh Cloth (Not including speaker) Notice: 1. Please allow little color difference due to different camera or different screen display. 2. There may be 0.5-2 inch difference due to different measurement. Size is for reference only.

2020-05-10 20:06:07

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