해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
~ Tibetan Singing Bowl Set ~Life Flower Design ~ With Dual Surface Mallet and Silk Cushion ~ Enhances Spiritual Peace, Chakra Healing, and MindfulnessSet

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4 Inches Diameter Tibetan Singing Bowl Set. Complete set of Yoga meditation bowl. The set includes one 4.2 inches diameter yoga bowl, a wood striker which has been upgraded to be light brown, a real silk cushion. Because of bigger size of the bowl, you can get the soothing healing and long duration sound more easily at your first try.~One is AllGet Into Meditation Faster. Because of the singing bowl’s special metal materials and unique handcraft, the tones of the singing bowl are peaceful and long. It produces energetic and soothing sounds. The experiences are just like under the stars in a summer night or you are awaken in the moonlight in your bed room. The tones can help you get into meditation faster.~ One is ForeverAwaken the Luminous Mind. The vibrations of the singing bowl inspire the body to recreate its own harmonic frequency and produce unique sound waves that can make you get the Inner Peace and Joy. Then you will dissolve self-doubt and self-judgment, and discover the wisdom and light inherent within you in every ordinary day. ~ It Deserves YouPerfect Gift Choice. Great Present for Friends, Relatives and Yoga Students. The singing bowl set is perfect gift for anyone to get relief from stress, self-doubt, fear, negative thinking and negative energy. Especially, if you are a yoga teacher, you can buy the sets for your students. ~Best Gift and Best WishesQuality Guarantee. We are confident in our singing bowl sets. If problem develops with normal use, please contact us immediately. We will make sure every customer get the real product they want.
✅Yoga singing bowl makes your mind peace✅ NOTICE: The wood striker has been upgraded from dark brown to light brown We have been learning and listening from our customers, So we made this improvement. The new striker in our singing bowl set has better hand feel than before. You can see it in our new picture. Awaken the Luminous Mind The vibrations of the singing bowl inspire the body to recreate its own harmonic frequency and produce unique sound waves that can make you get the Inner Peace and Joy. Professional Choice The tones of the bowl are peaceful and long. The experiences are just like under the stars in a summer night or you are awaken in the moonlight in your bed room. Though you don’t do yoga meditation very often, it also can be as a collectible or ornament on your desk. Quality Guarantee Items inside Packing Box: 1*4" diameter yoga bowl, 1* wood striker which has been upgraded to be light brown, 1* real silk cushion. If problem develops with normal use, please contact us immediately. We will make sure every customer get the real product they want.

2020-03-12 21:43:35

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