해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
NJCHARMS Ceramic Ramen Bowl Set of 2, 60 oz Japanese Noodle Soup Bowls with Spoons and Chopsticks for Ramen Soup Pho Udon Asian Noodles, Large Noodle Bowls

상품번호 B07TX3YDV4
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상품가격 $29.99
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TRADITIONAL AUTHENTIC STYLE: Authentic Japanese-style ramen bowl. Hand-crafted from thick, durable and restaurant-grade ceramic material, our noodle bowls are made to last daily use. Free of harmful chemicals, non-toxic, and safe for you and your family.THE RIGHT SIZE: Our soup bowls\' 60 fluid oz capacity can hold generous portions! Ramen restaurants in Japan use 50oz+ ramen bowls to hold their soup and noodles. This ensures toppings and soup sit securely in the bowl without spilling.COMPLETE RAMEN BOWL SET: Each ramen bowl set comes with 2 beautiful Japanese-style ramen bowls, 2 spoons and 2 pairs of chopsticks. Everything is included which makes the serving bowl set a great tableware to serve your family and guests and your home-cooked meals feel like you are eating out at a traditional Asian restaurant.EASY TO CLEAN: NJCharms Ramen Bowls surface covers a layer of high-density glaze. Dishwasher-safe. Simply throw these rame bowls into the top rack of your dishwasher or scrub them by hand. We also cant put into your microwave to heat your noodles.EXCELLENT SATISFACTION WARRANTY: If you are unsatisfied for whatever reason or don’t like our product within 30 days, please feel free to contact us, we will offer service within 24 hours.

2024-05-16 00:51:41

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