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EM276SET Fuel Injector Tester & Adapter DIY Cleaning Tool Kit Set (Fuel Injector Tester + Adapter) Fuel System Cleaner Gasoline Engines

상품번호 B07VC37VRB
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【SUPPORTS TESTING OF INDIVIDUAL INJECTORS】DIY Fuel Injector Cleaning Kit Operates injectors individually to diagnose fuel delivery problems on petrol vehicles with electronic fuel injection, such as identify stuck, leaking or burnt-out conditions.【IMPORTANT WARNING TIPS】There is a warning label on the back of the product. Such as Never smoke or have open flames near vehicle, don\'t short the battery\'s positive terminal and negative terminal. Wear face and eye protection while doing this. because if you lose the correct grip there is a possibility of cleaning fluid hitting your eyes or face. Works with engine off and pulse timer may be used with fuel pressure gauge.【8 PULSE MODES & 4 PULSE SIGNAL OUTPUT MODES】The fuel injector cleaner kit has large LED display, it is consisting of 4 pulse signal output modes(short/medium/long/continuous pulse). Also it designed with 8 pulse modes. Test Lead: 41. 5cm / 16. 3 inches. The long power cable and pulse output cable made of high-quality silicone, it can better withstand high/low temperatures.【WORK WITH ANY FUEL PRESSURE TESTER】The fuel injector cleaning kit can work with Any Fuel Pressure Tester, it can diagnose injector problems, you can use it to test each injector individually to help identifing stuck, leaking or burnt-out conditions. Please NOTE: Gasoline car only, NOT the diesel engine.【USES 12V VEHICLE BATTERY FOR POWER】This fuel injector cleaner kit powered by vehicle’s 12V battery. DON’T use NINE-VOLT batteries to power the injector tester -- DON\'T do it. It requires a full 12 volts in order to fire the gummed-up injectors and get them completely clean.【PACKING LIST】The fuel injector cleaner tool kit, Fit Type: Universal Fit Included Components: package Including: Fuel Injector Tester Em276 1 Piece;Injector Adapter 1 Pair(Size: 4.33 x1.06 inches);Storage Bag 1 Piece;English Manual 1 Piece.
The tester can help diagnose injector problems, you can use it to test each injector individually to help ardently stuck, leaking or burnt-out conditions. It uses 12V vehicle battery for power. It has 4 pulse modes, the continuous mode (mode 4) helps identify good or bad injector. The mode lock feature ensures test condition uniformity. It can work with any fuel pressure tester. SPECIFICATION Power Supply: 12V vehicle battery Operation Environment: 0-40C, relative humidity Storage Environment: -10C ~50C, relative humidity Test Cable Length: 41. 5cm/ 16. 3 inches Product Size: 147x82x29mm Operation Instruction 1. Turn off the vehicle’s engine. 2. Connect the black clip to the negative terminal of the vehicle battery, connect the red clip to the positive terminal of the battery. 3. Locate the fuel injector which you want to test, then remove the electrical cable from this injector and connect the tester’s two pulse output terminals to the electrical connector of this injector. 4. Press the MODE SET key to select the desired pulse mode, the display shows the current pulse mode. Explanations for the 4 Modes: Mode1: the tester will output 1 pulse, whose pulse width is about 250ms. Mode 2: the tester will output 50 pulses, every pulse’s pulse width is about 7ms. Mode 3: the tester will output 100 pulses, every pulse’s pulse width is about 3. 5ms. Mode 4: the tester will output continuously at the rate of 50 pulses per about 1450ms, every pulse’s pulse width is about 7ms. At any time, you can press the PULSE key again to stop outputting pulse. 5. After you have selected the desired pulse mode, press the PULSE key. The tester outputs pulse(s) to the injector under test, the pulse signal indicator will light as indication. PLEASE NOTE: Gasoline engine only, NOT the diesel engine.

2024-05-16 19:56:26

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