해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Therapist's Choice® Pressure Point Hook Cane, Back and Neck Massager for Trigger Point Fibromyalgia Pain Relief and Self Massage

상품번호 B07VD7B2B7
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상품구분 Health & Household / Wellness & Relaxation
브랜드 Brand: Therapist\'s Choice
판매자 미확인
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $22.99
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Designed to be the ultimate massage tool since each therapy node and spike can be used on every part of the body from the neck to the feet..This easy to use pressure point therapy massager is an effective tool to relieve muscle knots in the hard to get muscles in the lower and upper back, shoulders, legs and even your feet.Perfect if you suffer from muscle knots, trigger points or myofascial pain syndrome (MPS) in the neck, shoulder, back, torso, thigh/hips, legs and feetThis simple and effective self-massager makes it easy to apply pain relieving deep compression directly to hard knotted points anywhere on your body, breaking up tension in even the hardest to reach muscle areas.Length: 23" Long, Long enough to reach all your body parts & does not have excessive knobs/bumps that just get in the way
This simple and effective self-massager makes it easy to apply pain relieving deep compression directly to hard knotted points anywhere on your body, breaking up tension in even the hardest to reach muscle areas. Cane works by applying pressure to the muscles, which helps to maximize the flow of oxygenated blood. This pressure aids in restoring muscle function by breaking up adhesions in the muscle fibers helping the muscle to work more efficiently. Length: 23" Long

2024-10-02 18:25:53

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