해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Headlight Trim Ring 7inch Black Visor Type Motorcycle Trim Ring Compatible with Harley Softail Road King Electra Glide

상품번호 B07VL89Q5K
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상품가격 $33.89
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Application: 7inch Headlight Trim Ring compatible with 1983-2013 Touring Bikes (except Tour Glide and Road Glide) and 2012-2014 FLD, 1994-2013 Road King Models (FLHR)(not fit for 2003-2004 models) and 2008-2013 Trike parts and 2014-later Electra glide and Ultra Limited and Tri Glide and 1986-later Softail FL models (Does not fit with Fairing Bra P/N 57800-00), Does not fit 2014 Street Glide and 2014 Street Glide Special. Please measure size before purchase to make sure it perfect fit;Simple Installation: Easy to install and remove. Remove the screw, slide this visor type trim ring over the stock trim ring, then lock the screw, installation finished; Because some of the stock trim ring is thicker, so if you found out that this visor trim ring is too small to slide it over the stock trim ring to install, please just replace the stock trim ring with this new headlight trim ring;Special Design: Clip ring way, to give the appearance of the headlights of a tilt, to make the headlights become sagging and increase the appearance of depth, making the light of the motorcycle more slender;Stable Construction: This visor trim ring is made of Aluminum, solid constructions, not easily to deform, withstand most of bad weather and harsh conditions. It is Shockproof and Rust-proof;Package & Warranty: 1 x Black Motorcycle Visor Trim Ring(without headlight). Offer 12 months Warranty and 365 days hassle-free customer service. If you have any questions, Please feel free to contact us.

2020-03-12 20:24:16

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